In the heart of Albuquerque, Pastor Greg Griego often stood before the fire department and the local jail, sharing his powerful testimony of redemption. Once entangled in the world of gangs in California, he had found a new path through faith, a transformation that resonated with those who listened. He was well-known and well-liked in the community. Greg Griego. Once a soldier in the 82nd Airborne Division, Greg had led a life marred by drugs and gangs. However, during a stint in jail in California in the early 1990s, he experienced a profound transformation, finding faith and embracing Christianity. This pivotal change set him on a path of redemption, ultimately leading him to serve others. While his wife, Sarah, dedicated herself to homeschooling their ten children in their modest home in the semi-rural South Valley. Greg had five children before he met his wife, Sarah, with whom he had five more. Greg turned their backyard barn into a sanctuary for released prisoners. Most would agree that Greg and Sarah were strict parents. They prohibited their children from playing violent video games and meticulously monitored their television choices. Greg Griego was determined to cultivate a home of hope, love, and healing, but that all ended on January 19, 2013.
Join Jen and Cam on this episode of Our True Crime Podcast entitled ‘Something Went Terribly Wrong: Griego Family Murders’
Listener Discretion by @OctoberpodVHS
All Music is by our Editor @theinkypawprint
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