Wednesday, November 21, 2018

19. Murderous Melodies: Killing You Softly With Our Songs Thanksgiving special


Murderous Melodies
Crime may not pay but it sure does provide an entertaining way for a singer to tell a unique story. 
The murder ballad has been around for as long as singing and murder itself. 
The murder ballad, a sub-genre from the ballad, is a song that tells a narrative about 
a crime often including the 'why’ as well as the fallout. Join Cam and Jen as we attempt (badly) 
to sing (please have ear plugs ready) and discuss some tunes you may have never known 
were based on a twisted true tale. 

New listener discretion by the wonderfully fabulous OctoberpodVHS    Do yourself a favor and check him out!

Promos for our friends

Bad At Love Podcast
People Are Wild Podcast

Links for the songs so you can hear them they way they were supposed to sound.

Love gone wrong between Frankie Baker and Allen Britt:
This song has been covered by many greats such as the above Jimmie Rogers. Also check out   Johnny Cash's version:

Murder committed by 'Stack' Lee Shelton over a hat:
"Stack O' Lee" by Mississippi John Hurt:

Murder of Georgia Moses:
"Georgia Lee" by Tom Waits

Maria Marten Murder:
"Murder in the Red Barn" by Tom Waits

The Moor Murders-Ian Brady and Myra Hindley:
"Suffer Little Children" by The Smiths

Grover Cleveland Elementary Shooting by Brenda Spencer:
"I Don't Like Mondays" by The Boomtown Rats

Gary Ridgeway 'Greenriver Killer':
"Deep Red Balls" by Neko Case

Abduction of a 14 year old girl by Gerald Friend:

Jennifer Levin/ murdered by the Preppy Killer Robert Chambers:

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